What the values of gloss curve (LLK) means?

I am trying to understand how the GO curve is made : what do the values mean ?
Is it linked to other curves values ? for instance Black values ?
I am working with Piezo Pro and SP9900
Thank you

It is actually a manual curve based on weeks and weeks of print tests on multiple gloss papers to see which amount of GCO looks best.


so I will have week and week of tests to do to try to use it into a “Mat Black paper” curve !
Thank you for your answer

While it won’t gloss the matte paper (i wish it would but the chemistry is impossible for that), it will seal the matte polymer surface and make the print more archival. It will also make the image ever-so-slightly bluer.


I need to use the gloss as a protection
I made a test with a gloss curve just to see how it goes and it is just invisible (but of course densities are not correct) - just different hue but not difficult to correct with PRO inks
But if I copy the LLK curve in the “Photo Black"Paper” curve, the result is just… strange (very dark)
So I was hoping to understand better how gloss works to create a custom curve of LLK/Gloss in my “Mat Black paper” curves

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