Hi Walker,
We have changed our computer to a Mac Mini M1 and since then impossible to have the installation of all the curves.
Any chance you are aware of a problem ?
I tried to restart, I tried to install 5 times but when I open Lightroom or Print Tool , I got nothing…
Is there who has a solution please, it’s been 2 months we cannot work on a M1 Mac mini since impossible to have our curves.
Thanks for any valuable reply.
Dear David, many many people have successfully installed curves on the M1 (including me as I type this).
Did you install the newest version of QTR before running the install of the curves? This fixes permissions. Please share screenshots of the entire flow so I can see where the issue is.
Hi Walker,
I perhaps found the issue…The Big Sur version has problems with ICC printers profiles.
So I am upgrading to Monterey to see if the problem is solve.
I come back to you asap.
Hi Walker,
So finally we found the issue. It came from Big Sur. Since we upgraded to Monterey everything is working.
So nothing to do with QTR.
Bonjour Walker,
J’ai le même problème que Lebolabo. J’ai un Mac mini 2018 mis à jour avec Monterey. J’ai téléchargé QTR plusieurs fois et les courbes présentent toujours des problèmes, aussi je vous envoie une copie d’écran des courbes qui ne peuvent pas être réparées, peut-être pourriez-vous m’aider. Merci infiniment.