Ultra HD Matte black ... problem?

FYI, some uncoated papers require very limited curves.

[attachment file=29017]

And the curves,

[attachment file=29014]

Archive.zip (7.94 KB)


Thanks Walker. I am going to go back the original supplied curve I am using as a starting point for this paper, Photo Rag, and limit that to make the 51 step and 129 step ramps. I wish you and everyone else in sunny Topsham a festive Holiday Season.

Hi Walker,

I am getting unexpected results. The 51 step ramp is more over-ink and very steep as compared to the original (see attached photo, especially last patch). I have also attached the .quad files (x900-AI-Cool1 is the original (a renamed x900-Canson-RagPhoto-Cool) and x900-AI-Cool1L is the limited.) The limited file appears to have the right numbers to me, so I am not sure what I am doing wrong. Is this actually the expected result that needs to now be linearized ?




x900-AI-Cool1.txt (7.36 KB)

x900-AI-Cool1L.txt (7.48 KB)


Hi Walker,

One other thing, I save out the blender tool resulting file as a tab delimited text file, edit out the quote marks that are inserted from excel around the first line and change the file extension to .quad. Print tool will work with it, it installs, and produces the results above. But could this possibly be the explanation why I am getting unexpected results? I go through a lot of machinations to make it a .quad file. Is there another way of saving the resulting blended spreadsheet to a quad file?




I’m thinking my printed results may not be from the numbers in .quad file, rather default results from an improperly formatted .quad file ?

I did the blend data cut-paste-file save in Coda and now have a file that shows curves in QTR Curve View, and prints as intended. Success !

That’s great!!