Here’s an interesting thing. We recently switched to a different exposing booth (much larger for full large-format pt/pd printing) and the bulb is very different. It’s much better for Pt/Pd for sure!
It pulled the over-all printed gamma way down after accounting for min-time max-density. Very interesting indeed. The spectrum of your light can determine the gamma of your print quick dramatically. This is a screenshot showing linear and printed (green line) values. We do 256 step linearization in-house.
What is your light source? Mercury vapor or metal halide plate burner? If so what manufacturer, and more specifically what bulb? Curious because I have spectral output plots for a bunch, mostly Olec and some NuArc I think. They can still be found online I think. Definitely an interesting topic. I have an Olec AL13 though it’s in storage now due to space and noise considerations until I have a separate workspace. For now I use a bank of BL fluorescent tubes that sits below my worktable.
What is the machine. I might be able to narrow down what the bulb could be. I seem to remember seeing a picture of you guys moving a big plateburner into the studio a while back, but I don’t remember what it was. Maybe a flip-top NuArc?
PS - Things are going well with the K7-Carbon inks and PiezoDN. I’ll report soon - hopefully next week. And send samples too.