SC P9000 and Piezo Flush

I was recently gifted an SC P9000 and cannot find a method for unlocking/moving the print head. The old “replace the cutter” trick doesn’t work. The printer is in near-mint condition but has been sitting unused. A nozzle check is perfect except for the green channel. I want to use Piezo flush and see if I get lucky.

Any advice or recommendations would be much appreciated.

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Easy way is to turn on the printer - then when the head moves out of position as it does on start up pull the plug…

Thanks, Jon! Much appreciated.

Jon- I ordered and received a Piezo Flush kit last month and opened the box last night. The cart boxes and chip envelopes are labeled for the SC P6000 printer. I want to ensure I have the right stuff before resurrecting a P9000 printer.

Hi Bill,

The P6000, P7000, P8000, P9000 all use the same cartridges and chips with the exception of the O & G dedicated to the P7000 & P9000.

What is critical is understanding how they are used which is well written up on the website under the Buy Buttons… but the short of it is that no series chip can be repeated in any printer’s color slot.

And with the tendency to buy used printers prevalent today it is critical therefore to know the history or provenance of the printer as there are only 10 series of chips worldwide…



jon[quote=“bill, post:4, topic:2203, full:true”]
Jon- I ordered and received a Piezo Flush kit last month and opened the box last night. The cart boxes and chip envelopes are labeled for the SC P6000 printer. I want to ensure I have the right stuff before resurrecting a P9000 printer.

Thank you, Jon! Very helpful, as always.