Please let me know if you find bugs!

Epson 1430 install issue. Getting failure notice when installing PiezoDN. Deleted all files in SYSTEM>LIBRARY>PRINTERS. Have tried deleting everything, reinstall Epson driver, then, QTR, then PieozDN. That is where it fails.

Mac Mini OSX 10.11.6 Connected by USB



<span style=“color: #000000; font-family: Helvetica; font-size: 12px;”>Just did a total OSX restore. Nothing changed.</span>

That’s the same error I saw. I didn’t see Print Tool reinstall in the list of “things you did”. Have you tried that?

Yes, did that. Pulling hair out now.

Mark. From our emails back and forth I assume that the fix came from putting the Piezography folder back in >Applications under that name.

As a side-note to users, the Piezography folder does not want to be moved or re-named. It can break things. I will add warning scripts to the printer install pkg files or somehow fix this in a less annoying way in case a user renames or moves the Piezography on OS X.




I understand the fix now, will rename the folder back to its original name. But I was able to , thanks to Keith, copy and install the .quad files into the printer driver through QTR installer. It was a workaround that worked.

The reason I renamed the folder was I wanted to keep the first version of PiezoDN in case your newer version did not work, but I actually made a mess inadvertently.

Getting good clean output using the individual carts, almost afraid to try the CISS again :wink:

FYI. The installer backs up all curves each time it installs and it date-time stamps the backups.




in Applications>Piezography>Installed_Curve_Backups


Nothing in mine at all.

Run the most recent installer again and take a look.




Same problem here. Excel 2008 though…




When measuring a target with i1profiler and i1pro(v1) I get an error in the 4th row: “reference colors do not match measured values. make shure you are scanning row 4 and try again.” The salt printed target looks ok (see attached image). Could there be something wrong with the .pwxf reference file?


I undersood the problem! PiezoDN is printing from positive to negative! Now I also understand the need for GO, because value 255 is used for that. So I have to modify my profiles accordingly to be able to use the linearization tools with my own workflow. A simple inverting of the target probably wont work.

I reinstalled Print Tool and QTR and all appears to be working as it should be

And where are they kept?