PiezoDN curves fro 3800

I purchased the PiezoDN system in August 2016 after a Jon Cone workshop. I haven’t used it yet and am looking for the updated curves and new manual (if there is one). I’m using my 3800 and have all the inks installed.

I’m a long time PDN user!


If you haven’t yet installed the latest version, follow the Downloads link at the top of this page to the PiezoDN section and do so. Once installed, the curves will be in Applications > Piezography > Curves > 3880PiezoDN. (There is an install command for the 3800 in that folder too - that’s the one to use.) The Manual is in the Documentation folder.

The best workflow is to start with the Master curve and make your own linearized curve(s) from that. You’ll need to do your own linearizations anyhow to get the best results.


Thanks for your response. I sis the download and there is a subfolder for 380 but not for 3800 PiezoDN. I see Selenium curves, but none for DN.



The folder you are in should be exactly the one I indicated above. There is nothing in it with Selenium in the name. I think maybe you are looking in the K7 folder. Is that possible? If you don’t see a folder named 3880-PiezoDN, then you haven’t installed PiezoDN. It is separate from the Piezography Community Edition. From the download links above choose PiezoDN - Dig Negs. If you have installed PiezoDN but don’t see the 3880-PiezoDN folder, then something else is wrong.