PC users

Hello all,

Is there anyone using a PC for PiezoDN? I would like to talk to you about how it works.


We’re using a PC for PiezoDN, still new with it, but willing to help with what we know.

In the coming month we’ll be releasing a screen-to-print matching tool that does not rely on ICC profile printing (something that QTRgui does not allow PC PiezoDN users to do). This will bump the PC version from un-supported Beta to Gold-Master. When we complete documentation for PC users it will bump again to release-mode.

Sorry for the delay,

we have been trying to come up with an elegant solution to the problem of old QTR software on the PC.



I have been away from my computer so I did see your reply. I would like all the help I can get about using PiezoDN on a PC.


Basically, PiezoDN on the PC works exactly the same as PiezoDN on the Mac except that one is not able (yet) to print with an ICC profile. That said, I would say more than half of PiezoDN users are just fine printing with a calibrated “linear” PiezoDN curve and without the added contrast created by printing with the ICC profile. There are strength and weaknesses with both methods.

If you follow the instructions for printing Piezography on the PC you will be more than half way there for Windows.

The main thing you need to do when working with PiezoDN and Windows is make sure you click on the optional “Curve Creation Tools” when you install the PC version of QTR. This will give you the QTR-Linearize-Quad droplet that is required for properly calibrating a PiezoDN curve.

The other complication can come if you are using ColorMunki Picker on Windows (if you have a ColorMunki spectrophotometer that you are calibrating PiezoDN with). This software is buggy on windows. Frankly, every spectro software but ColorPort seems to be buggy these days. I strongly suggest ColorPort. It’s free and downloadable and supports nearly every Xrite device out there (except ColorMunki sadly).

If you do not have a spectro, a scanner will do and the instructions are provided for that in the manual.




I found the QTR-Linearize-Quad in the QTR “Eye One” folder. When I use it I get a .txt file instead of a lin.quad file. Am I doing something wrong?



You need to go through the process of measuring and smoothing you data (as described in steps in the PiezoDN section).

Then, drag and drop the smoothed .txt and the .quad you used to print the patches over the linearize-quad.

If you have any reversals or other things wrong in the smoothed .txt it will not work. Make sure you follow the steps exactly.

Also, if you do a keyword search at the top right of this page (next to instagram) for QTR-Linearize you will see a lot of posts about this. There have been some long discussions on how to linearize PiezoDN.



Hi Walker, can you please tell me how to get the curves into QTR for windows? I am using a 1500W printer


Here’s the instructions:





Put the curves into the 1430 printer and print w/ the 1430 printer setting. Same printer.

Ok, there was talk before of perhaps having to change the name of the printer in the command. I guess this is unnecessary?


Can you please remind me which folder I need to drop the curves into also, can’t find it in the beast of a manual.

Yeah. I don’t believe you have to change the printer name.


Someone else here might want to jump in. I don’t have an EU printer in front of me.




Please actually click on the link I provided above where it says “how to install and delete QTR curves”


This is the instructions for . . . how to install and delete QTR curves. :expressionless:



Got it. Cheers! Are there curves for salt print available for the 1430/1500 yet? I was hoping to create my own profiles using a Mac but the QTR site is down and I can’t get a copy of Print Tool, so can’t do much at the moment.

[quote quote=25642]I was hoping to create my own profiles using a Mac but the QTR site is down and I can’t get a copy of Print Tool, so can’t do much at the moment.

Windows users can make linearizations same as Mac users with our supplied PiezoDN tools. The only thing you can not do is the match to screen bit (using the ICC in combo with the linearization). Go forth and linearize!

One thing. The whole area surrounding the neg is being printed out in black, basically the whole sheet of clear film. Is there a way of stopping this? Thanks

It’s a negative! so anything white (like the page setup) would print black in order to block light and keep the print white. If you do not want it to be masked then make the canvas black!

Related to Mr. Jarvis’s question about salt curves:

Salt is one of those things that is different for everyone.

The base master curve for the 1430 is incredibly dense though. It’s dense enough for printed out like salt.

You will have to calibrate the master curve for your salt darkroom variables as one salt curve won’t exactly work for everyone.

I hope to have some base-line (standard) salt curves in the next release, but you would still have to calibrate these for your particular environment to make them work.




I tried to use the 129STEP_PIEZODN_CGATS_SMOOTHER.xlsb file today and it told me it was protected and I needed a password to use it. May I please have the password?
