Epson SureColor P6000 - I have used PiezoPro and PiezoFlush for a number of years without a issue. I usually put my printer in ‘storage mode’ for about 4-6 months while I’m traveling - install PiezoFlush cartridges, run the PiezoFlush thru the printer and upon my return I install PiezoPro cartridges and run the Pro ink thru and start printing, super easy. Not this time…
I had PiezoFlush installed in the printer while I was gone. I installed a new maintenance tank, turned on the printer, started up as normal, I ran several Nozzle Checks (all good) and then installed the PiezoPro Ink cartridges. I started to run the printer to flush out the PiezoFlush, when I decided to do a head cleaning to speed up the flushing of ink. I now have a “Cleaning Error: Automatic head cleaning failed” message at the end of the head cleaning cycle. My nozzle Checks have printed clear, after this error. Since this Cleaning Error has happened several times, I have done a cleaning of the capping station, wiper, flushing Box and print head ( i have done this cleaning before as my maintenance program). and I still get “Cleaning Error: Automatic head cleaning failed.”
Any suggestions??