I created a Linearized curve from the Spyder 129 step DN that I printed using the 1430-PiezoDN-Master.quad, and then successfully created a new Master-Lin curve (with lots of your help). I process-printed the DN using the Piezo variables from the 1430 Technical Data: 100% Palladium (with F.O. #1 equal to the Pd) and room temperature Potassium Oxalate Developer, on Arches Platine.
My prints from about two years ago used Jon’s older curves, and my chemicals were 50-50 Pd-Pt with Amonium Citrate developer.
The older prints were much cooler than what I’m seeing in these new prints. I prefer a cooler tonality. I understand A.C. Developer prints cooler than P.O, and I believe the addition of Pt would in theory also add to the print being somewhat cooler.
Q> Do you agree with the above assumptions?
If yes, then I would plan to create a new curve.
Q> Can I simply make a new 129 step DN also using the master.quad curve, and then print it with my preferred process of 50/50 Pt/Pd plus A.C. Developer, and then scan it and create a new linearized curve?
Q>Do you see any issues or potential problems with this plan?
Attached is a small print (3x4.5) that hopefully allows you to see the warmer tonality. I just added another print, really small: 2x3 that may provide another tonality view. (the prints are a lot sharper than the scan!)