I am linearizing Epson ex fiber for Piezography Pro inks , and after 51 step and two runs of 129 step linearizations the curve is not linearized properly and it still prints dark . Darker , than I used to print with Selenium K7. Would you recommend to keep linearizing the same curve, or maybe try to start from something else? Let say luster .
Since I am using Windows PC , according to the instructions, I could use the QTR for printing the target instead of the Print-Tool.
After linearization I do add the curve to the curve folder. But I do not reinstall printer.command , since I am using QTR.
I did linearize the same way curves for Red River Metallic, based on the Epson luster paper curves, and it worked beautifully.
After second 129 step linearization I did not print target. Do you need to see the validation I have , or you would like me to print another target and post the reading?
Is printing the target using QTR considered incorrect?
Sorry, for very late answer. The reason is: we run out of time and had to manually adjust the darks in photoshop and finish printing for the show ( my husband and I had our show in Moscow). We just came back from our trip and I am back to finish what we started.
I printed the target with the linearized curve ( one 51-step and two 129-step),had it dry for more than 48 hours, please have a look and tell your diagnosis.
The warm looks closest to how it should be, but neutral and cool are totally off- this is what I think.
And the same time the prints feel darker, than we were printing using the selenium inkset
The warm is indeed linear. The neutral and cool are too light.
You may have just not installed the curve (the one that you did as the 2nd lin) before you printed the target?
Anyway, all you need to do is error correct the measurements from 3rd-lin cool and neutral and then use these corrected measurements to linearize the cool and neutral curves that you printed these 3rd-lin targets with.
That should do the trick. There may be some problems with workflow and notes that happened with the cool and neutral curves.
Related to darkness, these are linear curves with very dark L* values in the shadows.
I suggest taking the neutral validation corrected .txt file and (instead of selecting it with a .quad and dragging over QTR-Create-ICC) drag just it over the QTR-Create-ICC-RGB. Put the resulting profile in Applications>Piezography>ICCS>SoftProof and then sxftproof with this profile with “Preserve RGB Numbers” turned on.
This will simulate the exact contrast of the print on your monitor.
If it’s too dark, than it’s just that you are not putting the print under proper light and/or soft-proofing.
Please do that.
Alternatively, you can print with this special ICC profile using Relative Colormetric with Black Point Compensation (from Photoshop or Lightroom of all things, I know).