Head alignment when using Pictorico on 9900

I am interested in checking whether the head alignment of my 9900 is right, when using Pictorico.

For what I have seen, it is not possible to perform an automatic check, and one has to use manual, since the piezoDN inks are not detected well by the auto sensor.

Now, if one performs manual check of the head alignment, my question is:

  • Can one select plain paper on the head alignment paper settings and use normal plain paper to print the head alignment pattern and check?

  • Do you need to mount the pictorico paper and then print there the head alignment pattern, by using the custom paper settings I am using when printing my negs?

  • Does head alignment might have an influence on horizontal banding (in the same sense the printer head moves), or just vertical banding (perpendicular to the head movement)? I detected some horizontal banding when printing some targets, and I realized I had one missing nozzle on the shade 5 ink, but even when fixed, I seem to discern very faint bands of darker colour, kind of covering the bottom 1/3rd of each spot of the 129 targets… it is not visible with a magnifying glass, but seems to be there if you look for some time the digital negative. They run across mainly the row number 7 of this target. I have thought also of checking the paper feed adjustment value. I have a custom paper setting created for Pictorico paper, using Paper Gloss 170, thickness value of 1 (that I chose based on the thickness pattern print) and a paper feed adjustment value chosen on the basis of a pattern printed on the pictorico and selecting the value (7 out of 14).

Thanks so much,


I forgot!

Should one perform manual Uni-D all ? (I only print using unidirectional when using piezo negatives).

Or should we use Bid-D all?

