For Sale: Piezography Pro inks

The story: I was going to use my older Epson 9900 but turns out the head was just too far gone. So at this time I do not want to spend the money on a new head and will delay getting into using the new Piezography Pro inkset for now. I do not want to sit on the inks as they will expire at some point in the future. I purchased a complete set (minus the Warm/Very Light) in 350ml bottles just last month.
My confidence was very high so I mistakenly tossed out the bottles after filling the Cone refillable 350ml carts. So I do not have original bottles, but I was able to reuse some older ones I had for my K7 setup. I “meticulously” cleaned each bottle so there would be no cross contamination. I did one init fill on the printer, needless to say, the nozzles that were functioning used more ink then the non-functioning channels. So the amounts I have remaining vary.

I have the following:
Cold/Medium 225ml
Cold/Light 50ml

Warm/Medium 225ml

Cold/Very Light 225ml

PK 225ml

MK 225ml

Cold/Dark 225ml

GO 200ml

Warm/Dark 200ml

Warm/Light 200ml

These are all visual estimates.

Just trying to recover some of this expense and hopefully give someone an opportunity to get some ink at a good price.

$200 plus shipping. I will only sell the complete group. You can pay via PayPal.


Also have a Epson 9900 with dead head for free if anyone wants it :wink: Located in Danbury, CT

Please contact me directly at [email protected]

Update: The inks have been sold.


But the FREE Epson 9900 with dead head is still available.