Cyanotype firts test

Hi, I am new on this forum. This my first attempt in all the process with curve.
I am a printmaker ( etching, photo etching) and also like cyanotype, gum print and Brun Van Dyke.
This my first attempt. The print is in real less pale, for me too pale.
I think I will print an other cyanotype and do the process again. May be I have done something wrong.


Capture d’écran, le 2019-09-20 à 17.09.12

Please print with this curve. Please increase your exposure time/amount as well if it’s too light still.

Pro-PiezoDN-Cyanotype-Thinner.quad (8.0 KB)


I print the 256steps with this curve and it is very much better for cyanotype and Brown Van Dype. Look forward to see with an image. Thank you again! Lise

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