Colorport targets not color-tagged

Hi Walker,

Thanks again to you and Dana for your quick help yesterday. The problem is gone.

Just a dumb and short question: I have realized the files corresponding to the targets (Colorport - I1profile) have no color profile tagged to them. I realized when opening them on Photoshop in order to put around a black margin (to limit the amount of black ink laid on the negative around the actual targets)… That being said, I tried and assigned the Gamma 2.2 profile and the tones did not change, so I assume that is ok and we can use those files “untagged” from Print Tool with no need of assigning any profile before hand…right?




All the Piezography targets are untagged, this is how they were designed, please don’t change them in any way.


I also brought up the issue of the untagged targets back during beta-testing last spring. Walker told me that they are “internally hard-coded” (or some techy term like that) GG 2.2.

There actually is one change that MUST be made to the targets, as Rafael noted, which is to add a black border to prevent the printer from trying to print black edge-to-edge and top-to-bottom. I forgot to do this once and it made quite a mess inside the printer. I wish the margins set in custom QTR page setups had an effect on the printable area but they don’t. Something to ask Roy about maybe.

In addition, since I discovered that the Flip Horizontally option in the print dialog of PrintTool can be saved as part of a preset, I flipped my target back to right-reading and saved it that way. I mentioned this here last summer I think. It would be good to incorporate into the manual at some point as part of the recommended “workflow”, since it eliminates a step (flipping the image in Ps) that is really unnecessary.

I also added an area at the bottom for notes. This may be a problem with automatic patch readers but it is not a problem for manual readings with my SpyderPrint (ColorMunki and i1 are similar in this way). Each section of the notes area is a separate text layer which makes it very easy to make changes to the profile name, paper name, process details, etc.

I also added the 21-step strip which I copied/pasted from one of the other targets. I use it to track ink density change over time. I began a controlled test with regular readings on Jan 1 and will report on it next month after the 2 month reading is plotted.
