Cartridge chip question

I have some 7800 cartridge chips on order, in the meantime- I see the chips are for both x800s and x880s. In the past when I had chip problems Dana instructed me to try the chips off real Epson carts… I have tons of 9880 carts, so question is… can I try 9880 Epson chips on IJM carts in my 7800?
I’m hesitant to just try it as I find it fairly easy to kill chips…
Thanks, T

hmm. I don’t think the x800s work in x880s. Where are you seeing?


when I went to check out the shopping cart showed the chips as for x800s and x880s, resetter is for both as well. I’ll just wait for the 7800 chips to arrive to be sure. While trying to resolve that (“ink cartridge error”, in the past was a bad chip), I suddenly got a 00010037 error, so another problem to solve first anyway…

The resetter does both types of chips yes, but this does not mean it’s defecto the case that x880 chips go into x800 printers.
