After linearizing the warm, neutral, and cool curves (pro ink / paper combo) following section 9 of the manual and watching the piezography curve calibration tutorial I have a question. I also watched the piezography ICC profiling tutorial.
If I want to soft proof not only the tones but also the hue of a specific blend (using the QTR slides) can I create an ICC profile for soft proofing following the directions outlined in the manual and video above? So what I would do is print the 129 step chart (in my case using the Spyder workflow) selecting the linearized warm, cool, and neutral curves along with the slider settings for my specific “blend”. Once the test chart is printed and dried down, I would follow how to measure, use PP Tools v2, and install this new ICC profile in the appropriate library location. Once installed, and using PS, I could select this profile see soft proof my image (and since this is using the normal piezography linear workflow I would have “preserve RBG numbers” turned on).