Is the Blending Curve worksheet hidden in V2.2.2?
whoops, bug, I will fix and release 2.2.3
Thank you, Walker!
Hi Walker! When do release 2.2.3 will be ready? I need to blend some curves… How can I do that now?
Hahah!!! You are absolutely right!! Too easy to think about it for me! Thank a lot!!
Walker, any updates on getting the Blending Curve back into a current rev of PPE?
Hey Walker, I’d like to use the Blending Curve tool as well. I tried opening the v1 Tools Pro_Blender spreadsheet, but it’s password protected. What’s current solution?
Hey Scott, thanks for the reply. I noted this in your earlier posts on this topic, but unfortunately, v. 2.2.1 only exists in the Windows format on the downloads page. I can’t find another way to get an earlier version, as v.1 is also blocked to me for access, only v.2.2.2 for Mac is available to me which I am using.
The other option I have found is the PIEZOGRAPHY_PRO_BLENDER.xlsb file found in the v1-tools folder for my PPE install, but it is password protected and my v.2.2.2 password won’t open it, nor any other password connected to my account.
Currently, I’m stuck until Walker responds with a solution… I don’t find the blending sliders in the QTR driver to offer the level of refinement I need for my printing, and would be great to use the softproof ICC file generator built in to trial blend combinations without wasting paper/ink.
Hi Michael,
If I’m reading this thread correctly, all you need is version 2.2.1 of the PPE spreadsheet. If that is the case, I’m happy to send it to you directly. I’m not sure why I can’t post attach a zip version here, but I get a message saying its over the 100mb limit even though it is only 1.6mb.
Thanks Keith! Just saw your post… really great to have you and Scott as part of the support community!
Hi Walker
Any idea when PPE v2.2.3 with this fix will come into play?
Thanks, Denise
Is the curve blending tab in v2.2.1? If so where can I find a download of it?
I am on 2.2.2 and so I don’t think I’d miss much by downgrading to 2.2.1, but would gain a lot if it meant I can do curve blending.
EDIT: are there any helpful people out there who could possibly send me 2.2.1 so that I can get cracking with curve blending? I’m on OS X btw. Cheers!
The blending tool is active is PPE 2.2.1.
Check your PMs.
working on it, ugh “Walter” is so delayed.
I was able to access the 2.2.1 tool via Parallels on my Mac today as I wanted to do some blending.
I downloaded the Windows installer for 2.2.1, double-clicked on it and Parallels launched. The installer ran, and then I navigated to “C:\Program Files (x86)\Piezography\Tools\Piezography Professional 2.2.1.xlsb”. Double-clicked on that, and it opened up in Excel on Mac side of my computer. The “Blender” tab was visible in it.
I saved a copy of it to my /Applications/Piezography/Tools folder for easier finding next time.