about PiezoDN V2.5

Dear Members

I am now outputting digital negative with PiezoDN without problems. Should I update PiezoDN to 2.5? Is there a part changed by tools etc.? The printer uses 4880. Where can I find the version?


Do you mean this? https://piezography.com/downloads/piezodn/

You get there through the Downloads menu at the top of the page. I don’t think there is anything in it that will affect you. The only change is the addition of curves for the desktop P-series printers.

Thanks Keith,I’m sorry, my English is not good

I mean is how can I check the version I am using?

If the V 2.5 is increased only data of the printer that can use, it is not necessary to upgrade the version.

When you download PiezoDN, the installer has the version number.

Currently it looks like: Install-PiezoDN_v2.5.pkg


